
If you're happy measuring your own fireplace and you know the style and finish of the fender seat you want, then earn yourself a ten per cent discount by submitting your order without having a visit from us.

We are on hand to identify any fitting issues as long as your measurements are accompanied by a photograph or reasonably detailed sketch of your fireplace area.

On request, leather colour samples will be sent to you.

Try a Fantasy Fender Seat: submit a head-on photograph of your fireplace and we will superimpose the fender seat of your choice onto it, to give you a better idea of its scale. Have a look at the Fantasy Fender Seat page for more info (plus it's free).

Send in your completed order form, with deposit paid by bank transfer, cheque or PayPal (your invoice is sent by email for you to pay using your credit card) and simply deduct ten per cent from the bottom line (or from the nett of vat subtotal - it makes no difference). 

Delivery would be a maximum six weeks. 

This offer is applicable only to the retail price and cannot be used with any other promotion.

Discounts are forfeited if an advisory visit is subsequently needed. Sorry, but the whole point is that I cut down on my driving.